

Students will engage in curriculum that has been approved by the school and support the academic goals of our students.  In First grade we will have instruction in all four of the major subjects Math, Science, Social Studies and Reading.  Reading and writing will be a focus this year and I will incorporate these skills into many of our tasks.



Homework is assigned weekly.  Students will receive assignments that mirror what we are currently learning to reiterate these concepts at home.  Home work will consist of math facts, spelling words and reading goals.  Please encourage your children to work as independently as possible and take responsibility for their work.  Homework folders will come home on Monday's and are due on Thursdays.


Homework is graded as complete or incomplete and is filed as a way to assess where students may need additional instruction.  Students who turn in their homework on time will earn Friday Free Time, an extra 15 minutes of center or recess time.  Students who do not turn in their homework completely will spend this 15 minutes working on their homework.



Worksheets will be graded weekly, missing 3 or more items on the worksheet will result in a redo.

Tests will use percentages to correspond to a letter grade:

90-100% - A

80-89 - B

70-79 - C

60-69 - D

59 and Below F

*Any grade below a 70 will require a redo or makeup


After School Help

Students may stay after school for 30 minutes on Tuesday and Thursday to receive extra help with their homework and other tasks they are struggling with.  Please contact me directly if you would like to have your student receive after school help.


Growing Responsibility

Please do not deliver homework, lunches and other forgotten items.  Student will receive appropriate consequences and learn responsibility.


Attendance and late work

Excused absences happen.  If you child is sick, please keep them home.  I also ask that you try to schedule dentist and dr. appointments outside of school hours.  Students will have the same amount of time to turn in tasks and assignments or take a test as they missed.  For example if you miss 2 days, you will receive an additional 2 days to turn in the missed work.



Students who arrive by bus will not be marked tardy.  Students driven to school that arrive inside the building after the bell rings will receive a Tardy slip to turn into their teacher.  Three or more tardy's in a quarter and you will receive a call from the me.  More than 10 late arrivals per quarter and the Vice Principal will contact you.